
Tea, Transition, and Turkish Hospitality: Four Months in Izmir

   Over the past four months, my life has been centered around living and studying in Izmir, Turkey. Transitioning from a small-town college to the bustling streets of Izmir has been a significant adjustment. With its constant buzz of activity, from bike races to music festivals, Izmir never fails to keep me engaged. The city is alive with community spirit, deeply rooted in its rich culture and history. One of the most striking aspects of Turkish culture is the unwavering hospitality and emphasis on personal connection. Everywhere I go, whether it's a bustling market or a quiet cafe, I'm greeted with warmth and kindness. Turkish tea, in particular, has become a symbol of this hospitality. Unlike the quick coffee dates I was accustomed to back home, sharing tea in Turkey is an invitation to slow down and connect. I've spent countless hours savoring tea with classmates and friends, delving into  conversations about family, culture, and life. It's been a refreshing cha

From Sunrise to Sunset: Embracing the Magic of Cappadocia

With midterms coming up, Erasmus planned a weekend trip to provide some joy before the upcoming stress. We had a two-night, three-day trip to Cappadocia. Numerous universities from all over Turkey participated in the trip, which included over a hundred Erasmus students.       My town met up around nine p.m. to board our bus. Beginning the nine-hour drive, we were all very  energetic and spent many hours blaring music and, no doubt, annoying the bus driver. After many hours of annoyance, many of us finally got some rest. We woke up and took in the breathtaking views encapsulating our bus windows. Then, we finally reached our destination and got to drop our luggage off at the hotel.       Once everyone had reconvened, we loaded on the bus again to head to the Goreme Open-Air Museum. The museum  is filled  with rock-cut churches. These churches contain original frescoes from the 10th to 12th centuries from the Roman and Byzantine eras. We spent hours exploring the churches and admiring th

Meeting the Locals

       In the past week, I've immersed myself in a whirlwind of new experiences, striving to adapt to my fresh surroundings and embrace the rhythm of my new life. Transitioning from America, where travel had been uncharted territory for me, everything feels like a departure from the familiar. The cultural disparities here in Izmir, Turkey are striking and endlessly fascinating. Perhaps one of the most significant adjustments has been to the local time zone; Izmir is a staggering eight hours ahead of my usual routine. Initially, my sleep patterns were thrown into disarray, finding myself unable to retire until the wee hours of the morning, only to rise past midday. However, with each passing day, I've gradually acclimated to a more regular sleep schedule.      My school has been instrumental in facilitating opportunities for international students like myself to integrate into the community. Events such as speed meets and guided tours have proven invaluable in fostering connecti

Travel Day

     Thursday, February 8th marked the commencement of my journey – a fourteen-hour odyssey that promised adventure and challenges alike. It all began with the meticulous choreography of loading the car with our luggage, each bag meticulously packed to skirt the weight limit (a feat any seasoned traveler, especially of the female persuasion, can appreciate).      As we arrived at the airport, the gravity of my impending solo adventure struck me with full force: "I am embarking on a four-month stint in a foreign land." Farewells were bittersweet, with tears flowing freely, albeit not from me, but from my friend Amy. However, the hardest goodbye awaited as I bid farewell to my beloved boyfriend, Joseph.      With goodbyes exchanged, it was time to navigate TSA and embark on our journey. Our first flight took off from Tyson Mygee, with our destination set for Dulles International Airport. The aircraft, albeit small and crowded, swiftly transported us on the short leg of our jour

Meet the Blogger

     Hey there, fellow wanderers! I'm Gabby Kooima, a 20-year-old junior Computer Science major, and I'm about to dive headfirst into a thrilling four-month adventure at Yasar University in the enchanting city of Izmir, Turkey.      As a tech enthusiast and aspiring global citizen, my journey isn't just about lines of code and algorithms – it's about unlocking the secrets of a new culture, embracing the unfamiliar, and expanding my horizons both academically and personally.      Why Turkey, you ask? Well, the allure of Izmir's rich history, vibrant traditions, and the warm embrace of Turkish hospitality were too enticing to resist. I'm ready to immerse myself in the sights, sounds, and flavors of this beautiful country, sharing my experiences and discoveries with you every step of the way.      Join me on this exciting ride as I navigate the cobblestone streets of Izmir, attend classes at Yasar University, and uncover the hidden gems that Turkey has to offer. Fr