Travel Day

    Thursday, February 8th marked the commencement of my journey – a fourteen-hour odyssey that promised adventure and challenges alike. It all began with the meticulous choreography of loading the car with our luggage, each bag meticulously packed to skirt the weight limit (a feat any seasoned traveler, especially of the female persuasion, can appreciate).

    As we arrived at the airport, the gravity of my impending solo adventure struck me with full force: "I am embarking on a four-month stint in a foreign land." Farewells were bittersweet, with tears flowing freely, albeit not from me, but from my friend Amy. However, the hardest goodbye awaited as I bid farewell to my beloved boyfriend, Joseph.

    With goodbyes exchanged, it was time to navigate TSA and embark on our journey. Our first flight took off from Tyson Mygee, with our destination set for Dulles International Airport. The aircraft, albeit small and crowded, swiftly transported us on the short leg of our journey, lasting just an hour and a half.

    Upon landing in Dulles, we proceeded to our gate for the next leg of our journey: a flight bound for Frankfurt, Germany, scheduled to span eight hours and forty-five minutes. Despite the length, I eagerly anticipated this flight, for Germany held a special place in my heart – its culture, language, and cuisine all dear to me.

    As we boarded the plane, relief washed over me to find it sparsely populated. Settling into our seats, we relished the complimentary blankets and travel pillows, ready for the adventure ahead. The flight was smooth, save for minor turbulence, and offered ample entertainment, including some beloved films.

    Touching down in Frankfurt, we navigated through the airport, breezing through security once more before checking in for our final flight to Izmir, Turkey. By this point, the early morning hour weighed heavily, and I longed for the comfort of a shower and bed.

    Boarding the plane, we found ourselves in a similar setting as the first flight – compact and warm. Landing in Izmir brought both relief and a stark reminder of the magnitude of my decision. As we disembarked, my father and I exchanged currency and retrieved our luggage before breezing through customs.

The journey's most daunting task lay ahead: finding our way to my new university. Opting for public transportation over a taxi, we found ourselves bewildered amidst the unfamiliarity of the metro system. A kind stranger, though language barriers hindered communication, guided us through the process of purchasing metro cards and boarding the correct train.

With luggage in tow, we navigated through various stops and transfers, aided by the generosity of strangers who offered assistance despite the language barrier. Finally, we arrived at the metro stop adjacent to my university, where we met with my international officer and made our way to the dormitory.

The culmination of our travels brought a sense of relief as I finally settled into my dormitory, surrounded by the warmth and hospitality of Turkey. These initial days have been nothing short of beautiful, filled with the promise of further adventures. I look forward to sharing more updates as my journey unfolds.

Gabby 🌟✈️


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